Our Three Pronged Approach
To treating migraines and headaches
Migraines can disrupt every aspect of life, and some are outright debilitating. I totally understand this as I, too, have had them in the past. Whether your migraines are stress related, hormonal, or brought on by changes in the weather (or just about any other reason), I have devised a process that often stops them in their tracks.
Acupuncture plays a huge role in helping your body unwind tension from specific areas. With my approach, this happens objectively, usually during the first treatment. In fact, patients often don't even realize that they are holding tension in these 'migraine target zones' until I press there and find it! By the end of the treatment, there is little to no tension or tenderness felt, and the results can be quite dramatic.
Of course, internal medicine is extremely important when dealing with migraines and headaches. Therefore, the third 'prong' of my approach for migraines and chronic headaches is to prescribe a custom herbal formula.